Welcome to ...
The friendly club
Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through the
Midland Counties Photographic Federation
Honorary President: The Mayor of Lichfield
Committee Members
Chair: Joe Anderson lcc-chair@hotmail.com
Vice Chair: Steve Stamford lcc-vicechair@hotmail.com
Secretary: Dave Bull lcc-secretary@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Richard Ell lcc-treasurer@hotmail.com
Programme Secretary: Annette Keatley lcc-progsec@hotmail.com
Competition Secretary: Vacant - Joe Anderson (interim) lcc-compsec@hotmail.com
External Competition Sec: Sue Freeman lcc-extcompsec@hotmail.com
Exhibitions Secretary: Nick Stafford lcc-exhibsec@hotmail.com
Technical Support : Richard Ell lcc-techsupp@hotmail.com
Media and External Relations: Richard Moore lcc-media@hotmail.com