Welcome to ...
The friendly club
Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through the
Midland Counties Photographic Federation
Honorary President: The Mayor of Lichfield
03 Sep 25 - Digital Lecture by Ashley Franklin ARPS, APAGB, BPE3
In 2014, as official photographer for the Arkwright Society, Ashley was commissioned to produce a photo book of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site. The project took flight in 2019 when he joined forces with fellow pro Ian Daisley and invited additional photographers to participate. Ashley's talk will take you through the book's three sections—Industrial Heritage, People & Places, and Wildlife— and show how the book encapsulates the valley's historical significance, its communities and its rich biodiversity.
'A wonderful evening’... ‘A fascinating story’... ‘Such wonderful images' - Beauvale Photography Group
‘So interesting'... 'Your passion for this project really came over'... 'I never knew the Derwent Valley was such an important World Heritage site' - audience members at a Derby Book Festival presentation
'A stunning book... An exceptionally high standard of photography... A remarkable project celebrating a remarkable landscape - a true labour of love' - review of the book in Outdoor Photography magazine.
10 Sep 25 - Digital Lecture by Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/D3
'Making a Fresh Brew' Projected images - the main being environmental type portraits.
17 Sep 25 - Practical Evening - Limburg Preview
24 Sep 25 - No club meeting